What To Do When Getting a Divorce

By April 14, 2020 Divorce

Planning For Divorce – Complete Checklist

Going through a divorce can be an extremely complex and difficult time in one’s life. The end of a marriage often puts an emotional strain on every family member and they may all experience stress. Even when couples decide to end things mutually and on decent terms, the divorce process can still be uncertain and exhausting. So, where do you begin?

The best place to start is with Destiny Law. Our experienced divorce and family lawyers in Little Rock understand that at the end of the separation, you may still need some type of relationship with your ex for the benefit of your children. We are committed to helping our clients navigate the divorce process and get to the best possible outcome for the entire family while also protecting your rights.

Divorce Checklist

If you are starting the divorce process or planning to do so, you may feel overwhelmed. That is extremely normal; however, you do not have to go at it alone. Our divorce checklist can get you on the right path:

Family Matters

  • Establish new boundaries and determine when you will tell your family
  • Begin discussing new living situations
  • If you have children, determine a visitation/time sharing schedule, who will provide health insurance, claim them on taxes, etc.

Financial Matters

  • Make a plan for closing joint bank accounts and paying off and dividing credit accounts
  • Open new credit card accounts in your own name
  • Review and update your monthly budget
  • Gather all of your financial information, such as:
    • Debt
    • Assets
    • Expenses
    • Property
    • Copies of all financial records and tax returns, etc.

Legal Matters

  • Consult with an experienced divorce attorney
  • Provide your divorce lawyer with necessary documents, such as:
    • Proof of income for you and your spouse
    • Bank / Financial statements
    • Insurance policies
    • Property appraisals
    • Debts
    • Assets
    • Property
    • Tax Records, etc.

Download Divorce Checklist

This is an extensive list but it is not exhaustive. Every marriage is different and thus every divorce will be different. It is best to speak with a divorce attorney about the specifics of your marriage, assets, and expenses for them to get a more accurate understanding of your situation.

For more information on what to do during a divorce, read our divorce FAQs.

Little Rock Divorce Attorney

If you are going through a divorce, you need to have a trusted Little Rock divorce attorney by your side. Let Destiny Law help you through this complicated life change. We have the skills and resources to help you come to a solution that you are comfortable with and can go your own way to begin your separate lives. Contact us today for a free consultation.