PDL Motions & Hearings

Representing clients seeking a temporary hearing after a divorce complaint is filed.

Phone: (501) 372-1200
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM
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Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30AM – 4:30PM

What is a PDL and Why Do I Need One?

Not every divorce case will need a temporary hearing, but there are many cases in which a temporary hearing is very important. If you have been separated from the marital funds (one spouse closes the bank accounts, changes the passwords, etc.) you need a temporary hearing to access that money through filing a PDL motion. You want to ask for a temporary award of spousal support in order to have enough money to keep litigating the case and to maintain your standard of living during the proceedings.

Child custody and support issues often need to be addressed early in the divorce process. You or your spouse may want to ask for exclusive use of the marital residence. The divorce process can last for months if not longer, and these issues often need resolution right away. Not only will deciding these issues early help you, but they will help make the process easier on your children.

Once you ask for a temporary hearing, your attorney will prepare evidence and testimony to present at the hearing. Any relief granted at the hearing, whether spousal support or child custody, will be in place until the final hearing in your divorce proceeding. At the final hearing, all issues will be finalized into your decree of divorce. If one party fails to abide by the temporary order, your attorney can file a motion to hold that party in contempt of court.

Why Choose Destiny Law?

The attorneys at Destiny Law Firm understand that some issues need to be dealt with immediately and cannot wait for a final divorce hearing. We will fight for your right to custody of your children, child support, spousal support, exclusive use of the marital residence, and other issues that need to be decided before your divorce is finalized. We have helped many people get financial relief during this stressful process, and work out child custody arrangements that work best for everyone involved.

Please call us today if you have been served with divorce papers and need immediate help with your situation. Contact us for help today.

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