Little Rock Domestic Violence Lawyers

Domestic Abuse Lawyers in Little Rock and the surrounding areas.

Phone: (501) 372-1200
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM
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Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30AM – 4:30PM

Domestic Abuse Divorce Lawyers

Domestic violence is a national problem that affects millions of people (mostly women) each year. Domestic abuse comes in many different forms, including verbal, physical, and emotional abuse. If you or someone in your family is being abused by your spouse, it is important to consult with an experienced divorce lawyer for help.

Our divorce and family lawyers in Little Rock have successfully handled all sorts of divorce cases and are well-versed in representing victims of domestic violence, as well as defending individuals accused of domestic abuse. Our compassionate attorneys can guide you through the divorce process and ensure your rights are protected. Contact us today to discuss your case!

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Lawyers for Domestic Violence Victims

If you are the victim of spousal abuse and fear for your or your children’s safety, you need an advocate in your corner. Our domestic abuse attorneys will vigorously help you seek protection orders, which serve to provide a barrier between an individual and a family member who has threatened or committed acts of violence. You can petition for a temporary or permanent order of protection.

When an order of protection is issued, local enforcement agencies are provided with copies of orders on the same day. Law enforcement can be called if your spouse violates a protective order, and in some situations, they will be arrested.

Arkansas family law can be confusing, and in domestic violence situations, there may be both civil and criminal cases that happen as a result of the same violent act. Our skilled Little Rock lawyers can help you understand Arkansas law and advocate for the best possible solution for your situation.

Domestic Violence Defense Attorneys

In some cases, domestic violence allegations may be unsubstantiated. If you have been accused of domestic violence, this is a serious matter that requires the help of experienced defense attorneys. Sometimes temporary or permanent orders of protection may be sought out of anger when there is no immediate threat of danger or violence. If you have been served with an order of protection, you should contact Destiny Law as soon as possible to discuss your defense and legal rights.

While you certainly can attempt to defend yourself against an order of protection, it is not recommended because the consequences of a loss can be devastating. Criminal and civil penalties for having a protective order entered or for violating a protective order can be very serious — they can impact your ability to obtain employment, carry firearms, or seek security clearance. Our attorneys have the specialized knowledge needed to help defend you against your spouse’s efforts to obtain an order of protection.

Domestic Abuse Lawyers Helping Families Through Divorce

There are many legal hurdles when filing for divorce in Arkansas, and if your case involves domestic abuse, that adds another layer of complexity. However, you can count on our divorce lawyers to be there every step of the way. We fight for your rights in court while making sure you have the answers you need. Our experienced divorce lawyers are assertive as the circumstances require and we strive for the most successful resolution of your case, as fast and efficiently as possible.

We have the skills and resources to help guide you through:

Contact Our Little Rock Domestic Abuse Attorneys

At Destiny Law, no case is too difficult. Our domestic violence lawyers offer one-hour consultations for a set fee to evaluate your case with you. We will explain to you how the law works and provide you with an overview of your rights. After this consultation, the required retainer and costs can then be estimated. Contact us today!

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