Visitation While Getting Through Covid-19

By June 16, 2020 Child Custody

Visitation While Getting Through Covid-19

The novel coronavirus has changed our lives in many unthinkable, unprecedented ways. As the crisis continues to reshape our concept of life and normalcy, one question lingers in the minds of divorced or separated co-parents: will this global health threat impact court rulings on visitation rights and other child custody issues?

The straightforward answer is no. All child custody arrangements remain in effect, and no parent may withhold visitation, even from co-parents working on the frontlines of the pandemic, as long as proper safety precautions are taken. If there is a clear risk that one parent is concerned about, the other should not take it personally. Instead, the two should first and foremost, try to amicably work out the details of their agreement while keeping the children’s health and well-being top of mind at all times.

Getting on the same page with an ex may be quite difficult; if that is the case for you, the experienced child custody attorneys at Destiny Law in Little Rock are here to help! We can provide expert legal guidance to protect your rights and ensure the best outcome for your children. If you need a knowledgeable family law attorney to advocate for you, then contact us today for a free consultation.

Co-Parenting Tips to Follow During COVID-19

Joint parenting during a global health crisis can be tough, but here are guidelines to help you and your former partner rise to the challenge and ensure that your children are safe and sound, not just physically but mentally too.

Have Open Communication

If you’ve had exposure to the virus, be honest and tell your former spouse or partner right away. Work together in protecting your child in the best way possible, and if the child shows any possible symptoms while in your care, be sure to inform your co-parent at once.

Follow the Court Order

No matter how unusual the circumstances get, don’t try to manipulate the custody agreement in your favor. Remember, child custody court orders hold, regardless, and that includes visitation rights during COVID-19.

Extend Some Consideration

Be understanding if your co-parent is unable to provide the same level of financial support. Lost earnings are a natural consequence of this pandemic, so try to keep your relationship as smooth and friendly as possible, if only for the kids.

Set a Good Example

It’s hard for children to wash their hands thoroughly, wipe down frequently touched surfaces, or practice effective social distancing if they see you defying the rules yourself. Make sure you set a good example by showing them—not just telling them—how things are done.

Stay Calm but Encourage Concern

Tell your kids what’s happening, but do it calmly and with optimism, reassuring them that things will eventually go back to normal. Answer their questions truthfully and allow them to express their concerns, but don’t make unnecessary comments that can only add to their stress.

Social Distancing Activities for Children

There are many things you can do during your visitation time, even while social distancing, such as letting your children explore their interests and learn new things. Here are ten activities that you can do together to keep them physically and mentally productive during the lockdown:

  1. Arts and crafts
  2. Bake
  3. Plant a vegetable patch
  4. Spring clean your home
  5. Family yoga
  6. Take virtual (online) adventures in famous zoos, galleries, museums, etc.
  7. Start a lockdown diary
  8. Make movies using phone apps
  9. Video call sessions with their friends
  10. Home camping

Little Rock Child Custody Attorney

If you are facing child custody issues, the compassionate family law attorneys at Destiny Law can steer you through the legal path most appropriate for your situation. With the proven expertise of our child custody lawyers, we can help you come up with the perfect solution to your parental visitation issues. Schedule your consultation with our child custody attorneys in Little Rock.

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