Joint Custody Attorneys | Little Rock, Arkansas

Joint Custody | Family Law Attorney | Little Rock

Phone: (501) 372-1200
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM
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Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30AM – 4:30PM

Little Rock, Arkansas Joint Custody

If you are looking for an attorney in Little Rock for a joint custody case, Destiny Law Firm is here for you. We help you navigate Arkansas child custody law to protect your rights and to ensure your voice is heard.

There are two types of custody: physical and legal. Physical custody consists of parental time sharing, where each parent physically has the child(ren) for a specified amount of time. Legal custody involves day-to-day decision-making for such things as which doctors or schools children will go to, or where the child will live.

The purpose of child custody agreements or orders is to outline parental time-sharing as well as legal custody, which involves day-to-day decision-making authority. Such agreements or orders should focus on the best interest of the child(ren).

Regardless if parents have been married or not, if children are involved and one or more of the parents reside in Arkansas with the child(ren), the court will need to determine a child custody arrangement that suits the family’s needs. This may occur after paternity is established; when the parents are unmarried; or during the legal separation or divorce proceedings. Arkansas has a presumption of joint custody, which means the courts prefer to award joint custody, although there are occasionally exceptions to this standard.

Our family law attorneys at Destiny Law Firm, located in Little Rock, Arkansas, are skilled at handling child custody matters and many other types of family law and divorce concerns. If you have questions for our child custody attorneys or child support attorneys in Little Rock, or wish to modify an agreement, Destiny Law can help.

Joint Custody in Arkansas

Custody may be granted to one parent (sole custody) or both (joint custody). Many factors may be at play when custody is being determined, but the child(ren)’s best interest is a factor. Other factors may include:

  • The wishes of the child(ren);
  • The wishes of the parents;
  • Parents ability to communicate with each other;
  • Physical and mental health of both parents (including past domestic violence issues);
  • History of drug use or addiction;
  • Location or residence of each parent.

Joint custody can be beneficial for the child(ren) when parents can work together to determine what is best for the child. Decisions may include the type of education they receive, whether or not they attend church or other religious education, and factors relating to visitation during holidays and summer breaks.

Many of these factors are part of what is included in the final custody order, and parents may look to their attorneys to provide guidance leading up to the final order.

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Why Arkansas Courts Favor Joint Custody

Barring abuse, neglect, or abandonment issues, joint custody is favored in Arkansas courts because it allows for the child(ren) to have stability while sharing an equal amount of time with both parents. Joint custody also allows parents to come to decisions together rather than having one parent potentially feel left out of a key decision-making role in their child(ren)’s life. Joint custody works best when both parents can engage in open communication regarding issues surrounding the child(ren)’s well-being.

While obligations for care of the child and child-related expenses are expected to be shared equally by the parents, joint custody can also impact and sometime negate the requirement for child support.

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How a Family Law Attorney Can Help in Custody Matters

Every family situation is different, so having an attorney by your side to clearly explain the law can be useful when discussing custody matters. There are often many emotions regarding child custody. Destiny Law Little Rock joint custody attorneys will work with you to make sure your wishes are heard. If you and the other parent cannot come to an agreement, we will work with the other parent’s attorney to arrange for mediation to assist in solving these family law matters.

Contact a Little Rock Joint Custody Attorney

Contact Destiny Law Firm today to discuss your concerns regarding joint legal custody. We provide knowledgeable representation for clients throughout Arkansas.

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